At this time of dangerous tensions over Ukraine Ireland should reaffirm its neutrality

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Roger Cole of Peace and Neutrality Alliance:

Right now, there is a dangerous escalation of tensions at the Russia/ Ukraine border and the real possibility of a military conflict that could easily spiral out of control.

The Irish people in the Republic of Ireland strongly support Irish neutrality (RTE/RedC exit poll May 2019 showed 82% supported Irish Neutrality).

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The Irish government should reflect the values of the vast majority of Irish people rather than warmongering columnists and support a negotiated settlement, a role a previous government played in the Good Friday Agreement.

Peace and Neutrality Alliance (PANA) therefore welcomes President Macron’s decision to revive the Normandy Format talks that led to the Minsk 11 Accord.

The Minsk II Accord has successfully prevented a new escalation of the civil war in Ukraine since 2015.

Ukraine’s people are divided, with millions speaking Russian and looking to the East, while others in the West are more oriented towards Europe.

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The Minsk II Accord, negotiated by France, Germany, Russia, Ukraine and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), recognised these divisions and sought a political resolution to them, one that would explicitly include greater autonomy for the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

After the Second World War and in contrast to the solution for Germany, the Western powers and the Soviet Union agreed to a state treaty in 1955 which resulted in Austria being unified and neutral.

The world cannot risk a military confrontation between the world’s two most heavily armed nuclear states — the United States and Russia. What we need instead is vigorous diplomacy to promote de-escalation and seek a negotiated solution, to avoid war and advance the Minsk II diplomatic process.

This is an ideal time for Ireland’s Minister of Foreign Affairs to advance Irish neutrality by de-escalating the warmongering, with an update on that old Irish Citizen Army slogan

“We serve neither the USA nor Russia, but Ireland”.

Roger Cole, Chair, Peace and Neutrality Alliance, Dublin

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A message from the Editor:

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